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The Kibali gold mine is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), approximately 220 kilometres east of the capital of the Haut Uele province, Isiro, 150 kilometres west of the Ugandan border town of Arua and 1,800 kilometres from the Kenyan port of Mombasa. The mine is owned by Kibali Goldmines SA (Kibali) which is a joint venture company effectively owned 45% by each of Barrick and AngloGold Ashanti, and 10% by Société Miniére de Kilo-Moto (SOKIMO). The mine is operated by Barrick.

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Barrick Pays Tribute to Late Isiro Bishop Julien Andavo Mbia

July 22, 2024

Barrick President and Chief Executive Mark Bristow has paid tribute to The Most Reverend Julien Andavo Mbia, late bishop of the Isiro-Niangara diocese of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, describing him as a visionary leader and a loss to the Durba community.

Monseigneur Andavo played a key role in engaging with communities and the parish of Saint Barbe during the development of the Kibali mine which resulted in the successful resettlement of residents to the model township of Kokiza that still provides amenities and services to the community.

“Thanks to the enabling influence of The Most Reverend Julien Andavo Mbia, Kibali’s robust and engaged partnership with local stakeholders delivered several key infrastructural developments during the resettlement process, including a 1,500-seat parish for the local diocese, making Saint Barbe the largest Catholic parish in the region,” said Bristow.

“This partnership extended long after the resettlement to a number of community development initiatives including agriculture, education and health projects,” he said.


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