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The Case for Investing in Barrick

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Best Asset Base

One of the largest portfolios of Tier One and world-class gold and copper assets that is unmatched in the industry, with more waiting in the wings.

Clear Runway

All our Tier One mines have 10-year business plans—in some cases being rolled out to 15 and 20 years—firmly anchored in demonstrable geological understanding, engineering and commercial feasibility.

Leader in Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of how we conduct our business. Our approach to ESG is driven by tangible on-the-ground action and measurable results that benefit all stakeholders.

Growth from Robust Pipeline

Our growth projects support and enhance current production levels and we continue to add to our reserve base organically through exploration.

Disciplined Shareholder Returns

An industry-leading performance dividend policy.

Growing Copper Exposure

Well positioned to capitalize on global decarbonization trends driving the long-term fundamental strength of copper.

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2025 Gold Full Year Guidance

2025 Copper Full Year Guidance

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Fax: 1-888-249-6189

Email: shareholderinquires@tmx.com
Website: www.tsxtrust.com

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It has come to our attention that individuals purporting to be representatives or employees of Barrick Gold Corporation or its affiliates are contacting members of the public or using social media to offer fraudulent investment opportunities.

These investment schemes may involve purported exchange offers with, or takeover offers for, companies called “United Commodity AG” and “Canadian Minerals” or other small companies. They may also involve offers to broker sales of gold bullion, doré or coins to investors, offers to sell “memberships” in Barrick or its affiliates, or offers (including from a company called “Golden Compass”) to sell cryptocurrencies or digital coins supposedly backed by or associated with Barrick, or solicitation to use fictitious investment platforms.

The individuals behind these schemes use various tactics and techniques in an attempt to persuade potential investors that the investment opportunities are legitimate. These include using falsified documents (such as certificates and agreements) bearing Barrick’s current or former logo or marks, impersonation of and falsified signatures from Barrick executives, creating websites that contain content taken from Barrick’s website and may even have URLs that contain Barrick’s name, purporting to use email addresses with the barrick.com domain, and representing falsely that they are acting on behalf of Barrick. Moreover, fraudulent schemes may involve the aggressive use of social media to target members of the public, as well as promises of “free money” or immediate exponential returns on investment.

In the past, these sorts of schemes have focused primarily on residents of Germany and other European countries. The more recent schemes also appear to be targeting prospective investors and members of the public in the United States, Nigeria, Australia and New Zealand.

Barrick is not involved in any exchange offers or takeover bids for United Commodity AG or Canadian Minerals, and we do not solicit investments from individuals in any of the ways described here, either directly or through third parties.

Neither Barrick nor any of its affiliates sells metal products directly to members of the public. Nor do we sell “memberships” in Barrick as our common shares are listed and posted for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ABX and the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GOLD. We have no involvement whatsoever in any offers to sell cryptocurrencies or digital coins. We have not lent our name to any form of investment platform. Any such offer or solicitation is illegitimate. If you are considering purchasing shares in Barrick or any other company, you may wish to consider consulting your broker or obtaining professional investment advice from a qualified investment advisor.

If you have been targeted in a scheme such as the ones described above, please contact your local law enforcement office or your local securities regulator.

If you have any questions as to whether an investment opportunity involving Barrick is legitimate, contact us directly by emailing investor@barrick.com or by calling 1-800-720-7415 (toll free in North America) or 416 861-9911 (collect).